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Mastering Meetings 

Mastering Meetings focuses on creating a productive, safe, and engaging environment that supports different points of view, solves issues, and gets work done in and after the meeting.

In a Meeting

Great meetings need

more than an Agenda


Whether you are in-person or remote, meetings need to be a place where both the leader and participants create the success. Meetings need an agenda, facilitation skills, and trust. When everyone shares accountability for these, many good things happen: 


  • Ideas get heard

  • People make connections and trust increases

  • Points of view are debated

  • Decisions are made

  • Problems are solved 


Mastering Meetings provides the mindset, tools, and skills that can be used throughout a variety of meetings. Whether you are in charge or invited to someone else's meeting, you can increase your influence and increase meeting results.


What do you learn:

  • Apply the meeting success cycle: Prepare—Lead—Close—Follow up

  • Build a powerful Agenda: inform, discuss, decide, connect

  • Include remote and quite participants

  • Develop facilitation skills: Framing issues, managing detours, creating links, summarizing, testing, refocusing, handling dominators, creating safety

  • Create and use ground rules  (including rules for fair fighting)

  • Resolve conflicts and make repairs

  • Apply “disagree and commit” when needed

Virtual Format


Can be provided to intact teams or open enrollment with participants from different teams.


Option 1Mastering Meetings is provided in three 3-hour sessions with a week between each session so you can practice the skills. 


Option 2: In addition to completing the workshop, bring the facilitator into your meeting for the next month or two. The facilitator can provide feedback, remind you of skills, and provide just in time guidance to make your meeting get the results you want. 

Team Meeting
Meetings need Facilitation Skills
  • Framing Issues

  • Managing detours

  • Creating idea links

  • Summarizing

  • Testing

  • Refocusing

  • Handling dominators

  • Hearing all voices

  • Creating safety

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